The courses of the Department are the following (code - course).
For more information visit the Course Guide of the School of Mechanical Engineering.
- (2.3.2012.1 & 2.6.2012.1) Mechanical Design ΙMechanical Design Ι
Drawing standards and regulation (Paper size. Drawing scales. Types of lines and their use). Orthogonal and auxiliary views. Dimensioning of the engineering drawings and dimensional tolerances. Section views. Fundamentals of descriptive geometry (Intersections and developments). Screws and mechanical components. Introduction to mechanical design. Computer aided design/drafting (CAD) and applications. Techniques for 3D CAD modeling of parts and creation of the relevant 2D drawings. Practice on 3D CAD software. The course is complemented with six (6) exercises of free hand sketching and drawings of real machine components, mechanical design labs, as well as machine tool workshop practice.
- (2.3.2147.2 & 2.6.2147.2) Mechanical Design ΙIMechanical Design ΙI
Drawing of bolted connections and machine elements (bearing, gears). Mechanical assembly drawing. Drawings of welded components. Hole and shaft fits. Geometrical tolerances. Surface roughness. 3D CAD modeling of assemblies and welded structures. Toolboxes. Extraction of assembly drawings. Advanced tools for drawing & control. Practice on 3D-CAD software. The course is complemented with six (6) exercises of free hand sketching and drawings of real machine components, mechanical design labs, as well as machine tool workshop practice.
- (2.3.2238.1) Introduction to ComputingIntroduction to Computing
Introduction to Computing. Numbering Systems. Binary arithmetic and coding. Computer Architecture. Microprocessor architecture and operation. Typical microprocessors. Peripheral Devices. Computer communications & Networks. Introduction to scientific computations using the MATLABTM environment. Computing applications in Mechanical Engineering. Laboratory sessions: Introduction to MATLAB.
- (2.3.2219.3) Kinematics and Dynamics of MechanismsKinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms
Mechanisms and their accession in machines. Structure and modeling of mechanisms. Kinematical analysis of classical mechanisms using modern methods. Dynamic response of simple mechanical systems with specific properties. Elements of mechanisms, cams. Generalization of the mechanism concept in flexible mechanisms (with pneumatic and electrical elements). Three-dimensional mechanisms. Applications. Design of machines through the principle of structural composition. Tetrahedron theoryconstituents. Design-structural components of mechanisms.
- (2.3.2167.4) Machine Elements IMachine Elements I
Introduction to mathematical modeling of mechanical parts and assemblies. Engineering materials and their selection methods. Loading and failure models on machine elements. Design for life and Fail safe engineering design approaches. Calculation of static and fatigue loading. Calculation of the fatigue strength of parts using Woehler, Soderberg and Goodman-Smith diagrams. Elements of fracture mechanics and Paris charts. Stress intensity and stress concentration coefficients in machine elements. Cumulative effect of fatigue and Palmgren-Miner rule. Strength calculation for combined loading. Shafts and axles. Calculation of wended joints and adhesive layers. Mechanics and calculation of threads and bolted connections. Shaft-hub connections (keys, splines, friction elements, press-fits). Couplings, cluthes and brakes. Ball-roller bearings and dry sliding bushings. Rotary seals for shafts. Springs and other flexible machine elements. Wireropes and linear flexible machine elements and their applications. Protective coatings for machine elements.
- (2.3.2078.5) Machine Elements IIMachine Elements II
Introduction to motion and power transmission systems. Power flow in mechanical systems and efficiency. Belt drives and friction drives. Law of gearing and matrix equations of gear meshing. Contact surfaces, rolling curves and meshing gear tooth profiles. Contact ratio and stages of tooth meshing. Kinematical Analysis and calculation of sliding velocity and efficiency. Gear types (cylindrical spur-helical gears, bevel and spiral bevel gears, worm-gear sets, hypoids, spiroids etc) and their calculation under common loading types (bending strength, pitting, scoring etc). Compliance, profile modifications and load distribution on gear teeth. Transmission errors and gear tolerances. Gear manufacture. Gear failure and inspection. Chain drives. Speed reducers and gearboxes. Planetary mechanisms and differentials. Special drives (harmonic, cyclo-drive etc). Lubrication and introduction to tribology. Journal Bearings and air bearings.
- (2.3.2089.4) Dynamics and VibrationsDynamics and Vibrations
Linear Dynamic Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom:
Structure and Basic Components. Free vibrations. Response to harmonic, periodic and transient excitations. Response to general and random vibrations (*) Linear Dynamic Systems with Multiple Degrees of Freedom:
Natural Frequencies and natural modes. Modal analysis and transformation. Transfer Functions. Laplace transform (*). Numerical approaches. Applications in mechanical engineering systems. Modelling of Dynamic Systems:
Lagrangian Energy Principle and applications in discrete mechanical systems, continuous mechanical systems and dynamic systems with various physical components (mechanical. hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical). Basic principles for vibration control:
Concepts for vibration isolation. Transmissibility functions. Damping and damper technology. Vibration absorption and tunned mass absorbers. Application examples.
- (2.3.2304.9) Hydraulic and Pneumatic SystemsHydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
Introduction to hydraulic-pneumatic motion and power transmissions. Mass and energy flow in power hydraulics. Hydraulic fluids (properties and selection). Transient phenomena and water hammer effect. Hydraulic power generation using positive displacement pumps. Geometry and flow calculations (including flow ripple) and volumetric efficiency for gear, vane and piston pumps (swash-plate and bent-axis). Piping and fittings. Flow and pressure control valves (check valves, pressure reliefs, flow control valves etc.) Ancillary equipment of hydraulic systems (tanks, filters, heat exchangers etc.) Design and selection of hydraulic actuators (cylinders and hydraulic motors). Hydraulic accumulators and their use in power circuits. Control of hydraulic power and actuators (analog and servo-valves), meter-in / meter –out configurations. Piston, rod and static seals for high pressure hydraulics. Hi-lo arrangements and synchronization of motions. Pneumatic compressors. Air reservoirs and air-conditioning systems for industrial pneumatics. Pneumatic cylinders and motors. Valves and pneumatic automation. Design of pneumatic circuits.
- (2.3.2007.6) Modelling and Automatic Control of SystemsModelling and Automatic Control of Systems
Introduction, brief history, control system principles, mathematical models of physical systems, transfer functions, state equations, functional block diagrams, properties of feedback control systems, transient response, basic feedback controllers, root locus, methods for control system design, frequency response, compensator design, applications.
To attend this course, sufficient knowledge of the material of the following courses is strongly recommended: Electric Circuits & Systems, Mathematics IV (Complex Functions), Introduction to Electronics.
- (2.3.2029.6) Analysis of Mechanical Structures IAnalysis of Mechanical Structures I
The meaning of Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures. Idealization of structural members (bar, beam, plane stress, plate in bending, shell, string and membrane). Related theory of elasticity. Torsion of solid sections (Prandtl stress function solution), the membrane analogy, St Venant warping function. Stiffness matrix of bars and beams. Plane trusses and frames. Triangular elements in plane stress Elasticity (isotropic and anisotropic, stress concentration problem), in Heat transfer, and in Acoustics. Solution of Laplace-Poisson problems in mechanical engineering. Boundary conditions of the third type. Axisymmetric problems. Mass matrix and time integration. Three-dimensional problems. Coupled problems. Rectangular elements. Isoparametric elements and Gauss integration. Application in Navier-Stokes problems. Fundamentals of automatic mesh generation. Architecture of finite element codes and programming. Demonstration of commercial software.
- (2.3.2023.7) Advanced Control SystemsAdvanced Control Systems
Modeling of dynamical systems, power state variables, bond graphs, derivation of state space equations, linear systems analysis, solution of state space equations, controllability and observability, classical and modern control, state feedback control, optimal control & the general optimal control problem, linear-quadratic optimal control problem, optimal regulator, relation to classical control, optimal control and reference input tracking systems, state reconstruction – observers, applications.
- (2.3.2220.7) Signal Processing at Mechanical SystemsSignal Processing at Mechanical Systems
Fundamentals of Signal Processing:
Basic concepts and examples. Fourier analysis, spectra, windows. Digital signals and sampling theorem. Correlation and modulation. Time-frequency analysis and wavelets. Vibration Measurement and processing:
Sensors and processing architectures. International standards for measurement and analysis. Laboratory and industrial applications. Sound and Noise Measurement and Analysis:
Sound and Noise features and characteristic variables. International standards for measurement and analysis. Laboratory and industrial applications. Diagnosis of mechanical faults:
Basic concepts. International standards and empirical approaches. Dynamic models of machines under faults and response analysis. Typical faults of rotating machines. Unbalance, misalignment, loose supports. Bearing and gear faults. Faults in electrical motors. Applications of pattern analysis and machine learning in machine fault identification:
Feature selection and extraction and extraction (CDET, PCA, ICA). Fundamentals of machine learning (Κ-means Clustering, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks) and anomaly detection. Applications in machine fault identification.
- (2.3.2289.7) Design for Manufacturing & Cost Design for Manufacturing & Cost
Product design specification. Conceptual, embodiment and detail design. Design principles. Principal design guidelines. Variant design. Value engineering analysis. Mechanical engineering design in conjunction with the technical characteristics of the manufacturing processes. Industrial Materials and Processes - selection and costing. Design for the Environment/DFE, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly/DFMA. Product documentation and Quality Control. Design for accuracy and interchangeability. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. Design for Manufacturing/Assembly cost reduction. DFC indices. Tolerance analysis and synthesis. Tolerances and machining accuracy. Tolerancing methods. Product testing. Prototyping. Additive Manufacturing/Rapid Prototyping & Tooling/3D Printing. Modern practices and information systems for product design, development, production and PLM. Reverse Engineering. Industrial Property, Patents.
- (2.3.2192.8) Analysis of Mechanical Structures IIAnalysis of Mechanical Structures II
Plane load carriers (membrane, thin plate, laminate plate, shell). Partial differential equations of stress equilibrium for thin plates in bending, torsion and in-plane loading. Analytical solutions for typical boundary conditions. The finite element method. Buckling of columns and plates. Large-displacement analysis. Contact analysis. Elastoplastic analysis. Time integration. Adaptive finite elements. Isogeometric Analysis and CADbased macroelements. The Boundary Element Method in elasticity and potential problems. Bending, shear and torsion of open and closed, thin-walled beams. Stress analysis of aircraft components. Shear stress distribution at a built-in end of a closed section beam. Structural Optimization under stress-, displacement-, eigenvalue- and buckling- constraints. Fully stressed design. Optimality criteria in trusses and frames. Non-linear mathematical programming methods. Stochastic optimization methods. Shape optimization. Topology optimization. General rules in FEM modeling. Hands on commercial codes in the PC-lab (practice, two- out of the four hours, weekly). Optional homework, either using commercial FEM codes (SolidWorks, ANSYS) or programming via MATLAB and other computer languages.
- (2.3.2039.4) Introduction to ElectronicsIntroduction to Electronics
Analog Circuits: Diodes (Zener, Photo-diodes, applications: inversion). Bipolar Transistor (CB, CC, CE). Low frequency Amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers (Applications to signal conditioning and control). Digital Circuits: Gates (hardware realization, Boolean Algebra). Medium Scale Integration Circuits (decoders, multiplexers, adders, ROM, PLAs). FLIP-FLOP. Sequential Circuits (Introduction, counters). Applications: Signal Conditioning & Transmission, TRIAC & Thyristors. Industrial control systems. Laboratory sessions: a) Οperational Αmplifiers in control b) Ιnversion.
- (2.3.2169.8) Τransport and lifting machinesΤransport and lifting machines
Basic technologies of conveying and lifting systems and machines. Structure, technologies and calculation of wire ropes and cables. Horizontal and inclined conveyor belts (modeling of operation, transient phenomena, design and calculation). Ancillary equipment and supporting structures for conveyor belts and conveyor systems in general. Angle of repose / surcharge and modeling of the behavior of granular materials in industrial conveying systems. Calculation of transient (dynamic) phenomena and selection of motors / speed reducers. Roller conveying systems and cableways. Pretensioning systems and their calculation. Pneumatic conveying systems. Modelling and design of positive or negative (vacuum) pressure systems including selection and design of fans/ blowers, bag-filters, cyclone dust collectors, silos, air-gliders, feeders and other ancillary equipment. Conveyor screws (horizontal – inclined – vertical) and their calculation – design. Bagging machines. Basic technologies of lifting machines and systems. Calculation and design for lifts and escalators. Lifting platforms and mechanisms. Safety regulations and handling of loads. Traction and lifting winches. Design of cranes and gantry cranes. Chain bucket elevators.
- (2.3.2232.9) Flight DynamicsFlight Dynamics
Basic Aerodynamics: aerodynamic surfaces, flight control surfaces and systems of typical aircrafts. Static stability and trim. General Dynamic Equations (3D solid body in space). Linear simplification of longitudinal dynamics: solution, oscillation types, longitudinal dynamic stability. Linear simplification of lateral dynamics: solution, oscillation types, lateral dynamic stability. Aerodynamic stability derivatives. Stabilization and longitudinal dynamics control, automatic pilots. Stabilization and lateral dynamics control, automatic pilots. Special cases (e.g. handling quality). To attend this course, sufficient knowledge of the material of the following courses is strongly recommended: Introduction to the Aircraf.
- (2.3.2249.8) Microprocessors Based ControlMicroprocessors Based Control
Introduction to control systems using microprocessors -μP and microcontrollers –μC (ADC, DAC, Sampling & Hold–S/H). Introduction to microprocessor and microcontroller architecture and programming. Assembly and interfacing of MC86HC11. Signal representation in digital systems, Z-transform, frequency domain analysis, state equations of sampled systems, time domain analysis. Stability, Controllability & Observability. Design and Implementation of Sampled Data control systems. State observation (observers – Kalman filtering) Model Identification. Introduction to Adaptive Control. Laboratory sessions: a) design and simulation of a digital control system for a medium scale plant (e.g. aircraft), b) assembly programming for μP & μC and simple controller implementation (e.g. alarm, servo-motor control), c) on-line identification of the dynamic parameters of 2-DOF manipulator.
- (2.3.2310) Noise and VibrationsNoise and Vibrations
Noise and Vibrations.
- (2.3.2306.7) Dynamics of Rotating MachinesDynamics of Rotating Machines
Dynamics of flexible bodies in rotation, gyroscopic phenomena. Bending and torsional vibrations of rotors. Linear harmonic analysis (eigenvalues, eigenmodes in rotating machines, critical speeds), Campbell diagrams, application of discretization methods (Finite Element Method, Transfer Matrix Method) in rotors with elastic deformation, dynamic analysis of multiple body systems with local nonlinearities, application of Model Order Reduction techniques, stability criteria in multiple DOF systems, damping models, characteristics of trajectories and response time series (periodicity, quasi-periodicity, chaos) in rotating machines, tribology in sliding bearings (Reynolds equation), design of sliding bearings and gas foil bearings, squeeze film dampers, base excitation in machines, parametric excitation (anisotropic rotors in generators), self-excited vibrations from fluid and gas flow (oil whirl/whip, Thomas/Alford forces) and dynamic stability. Standards and templates in dynamic analysis of turbomachines. Simulation of rotating machines. Project: Dynamic analysis in turbomachinery design, e.g. turbine-generator for power generation, turbopump for rocket propulsion, turbochargers in internal combustion engines.
- (2.3.2242.2) Electric Circuits & SystemsElectric Circuits & Systems
Models of circuit discrete elements. Resistors and energy storage elements. Sources. Systems of elements. Transformers. Linear circuit analysis via the linear graph method. Voltage division. Kirchhoff laws. Thevenin and Norton theorems. Linear system properties. Superposition. Stability. Circuit time response and sinusoidal steady state response. Frequency response. Transfer functions, filters. Three-phase networks. Average and reactive power. Balanced and unbalanced loads. Lab exercises: circuit time and frequency response, parameter identification.
To attend this course, sufficient knowledge of the material of the following courses is strongly recommended: Mathermatics A1 (Functions of one variable), Mathematics A2 (Linear Algebra & Analytic Geometry), Physics (Electricity and Magnetism with Optics).
- (2.3.2245.3) Electromechanical Power Conversion SystemsElectromechanical Power Conversion Systems
Fundamental principles of electromagnetism. Magnetic circuits and permanent magnets circuits. Electromechanical power conversion, development of torque and voltage. Electromagnetic actuators, electromagnets, voice coils. Generators, motors and loads. Torque-speed characteristics. Basic equations, equivalent circuits, characteristic curves, power flow, efficiency and losses in electric machines. DC generators and motors. Synchronous generators and motors. Three-phase and single-phase induction motors. Stepper, universal, and brushless motors. Introduction to drives and motor control. Lab exercises: motor response, parameter identification and characteristics of motors/generators
To attend this course, sufficient knowledge of the material of the following courses is strongly recommended: Electric Circuits & Systems.
- (2.3.2174.7) Theory of Ground VehiclesTheory of Ground Vehicles
Vehicle definition, vehicle classification, European Directives, International Regulations. Analysis of the subsystems of a vehicle (chassis, transmission, braking systems, suspension, steering, etc.). Introduction to tire mechanics (basic equations). Equations of planar motion of the vehicle motion, calculation of required torque / power on the axles. Vehicle performance (calculation of maximum speed values, acceleration, inclination, traction, etc.). Calculation - Selection of vehicle transmission system (gearbox - differential ratios). Optimization of vehicle transmission system (drive axles). Calculation of maximum braking force and deceleration. Critical braking speed. Optimal braking - Distribution of total braking force on the axles of the vehicle. Use of specialized software for calculation / selection of vehicle subsystems. Introduction to hybrid vehicles (Architecture & Basic subsystems) - new driving technologies. Heavy vehicle superstructures (examples from the automotive industry - case studies).
- (2.3.2244.8) Dynamics and Design of VehiclesDynamics and Design of Vehicles
Tire mechanics (basic theory - equations). Tire models (analytical, semi-analytical, Pacejka). Equations of vehicle motion in 3D space. Modeling of vehicle steering system, optimization. Calculation of vehicle stability (longitudinal, transverse). Modeling of vehicle suspension systems (passive, active, semi-active). Vehicle’s handling. Ride comfort optimization. Dynamic behavior vehicle models (quarter / half / full car). Field measurements of characteristic quantities & estimation of the dynamic behavior of the vehicle. Introduction to traffic accident reconstruction. Use of dynamic simulation computer software. Applications - Case studies from the Greek construction industry of special vehicles (optimal design of dynamic behavior of a complete vehicle).
- (2.3.2305.9) Hybrid-Electric VehiclesHybrid-Electric Vehicles
Sustainable Transportation. Introduction to the architecture of hybrid and electric vehicle powertrain. Calculation of basic components (power, torque, etc.). Engine-transmission systems. Energy storage systems (batteries, high speed flywheels, supercapacitors, etc.). Systematic energy management planning for the movement of the vehicle. Degree of hybridization. Energy recovery systems. Modeling - component analysis of hybrid - electric vehicles. Current technologies of hybrid vehicles.
- (2.3.2274.9) RoboticsRobotics
Advanced analysis and design techniques of automatic control systems for nonlinear engineering systems. Parameter identification and adaptive control. Neural networks. Robotic systems (manipulators, vehicles, underwater and aerial vehicles): Analysis, Control, Programming & Integration. Laboratory exercises: System simulation, robotic manipulator control, navigation and control of mobile robots, navigation and control of an underwater vehicle.
To attend this course, sufficient knowledge of the material of the following courses is strongly recommended: Modelling and Automatic Control of Systems.
- (2.3.2299.7) Introduction to Biological EngineeringIntroduction to Biological Engineering
Introduction to organ and cell functions in the human body. Introduction to biology. Coding DNA-> RNA ->protein. In-vivo and in-vitro models of biological systems. Cell structure and function. Fundamentals of Anatomy and organ functions. Cell signaling and decision making. Systems Biology. Bioinformatics. Problem solving in Medicine and Biology in terms of Mechanical Engineering principles and practices. Introduction to applications: Tissue Engineering, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Biomedical Devices.
To attend this course, sufficient knowledge of the material of the following courses is strongly recommended: Operating Systems and Programming Languages.
- (2.3.2300.8) BiodesignBiodesign
Introduction to medical devices. Medical Devices (MDs) and In vitro Diagnostic Products (IVDs). Micro/Nano technologies for MDs and IVDs. Biosensors. Single & Multiplex measurements for DNA, RNA, and proteins. Regulatory Framework. Quality Management Systems (QMS) for MDs and IVDs. ISO13485. The course is projectbased and include the research and development of an IVD or MD starting from the idea, brainstorming, concept, market analysis, need identification, intellectual property (IP) search, product design, and business plan.
- (2.3.2276.9) Biomechanics and Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Introduction. Current and future potential of Biomedical Engineering. Biomechanics. Tissue Engineering. Elementary gait analysis and rehabilitation principles. Mechanical behavior of bones and soft tissues. Mechanical behavior of muscles and tendons. Biological system analysis. Biomedical devices for protein and DNA measurements. Methods to obtain medical images from a CT scanner (raw data, DICOM, etc.). Development of a 3D-CAD model. Development of finite element models.
- (2.1.2291.8, 2.3.2291.8) Operation and Maintenance ManagementOperation and Maintenance Management
Introduction to plant operation & maintenance. Management of technical objects. Maintenance planning and control (preventive maintenance, order management, repair jobs). Organization of maintenance operation. Replacement of Equipment: replacement. with similar equipment, replacement with advanced equipment, continuous technological improvement. Spare Parts Replacement and Equipment Maintenance: renewal theory, replacement of individual components, replacement of technical system components, inspection and maintenance problems. Reliability of Technical Equipment: definitions, calculation of reliability of technological systems, determination of optimum level of reliability. Analysis and evaluation of damages and investigation of their causes in machines and mechanical constructions. Use of instruments and industrial software. Typical types of machine and device / system components failure in industry. Real-time logging methods and sample failure recording and machine operation condition. Destructive and non-destructive testing methods. Calculation of residual life and decision change / replacement. Temporary repair - replacement solutions and their implementation methods. Lubrication and determination of inspection-refill-change intervals. Attention and risk indicators. Technical methods for dealing with exceptional failures in Industry.
- (2.3.2311.9) Design for Additive Manufacturing and ApplicationsDesign for Additive Manufacturing and Applications
Review of the basic additive manufacturing (AM)/ rapid prototyping (RP) techniques, printing heads and 3D-printing machines. AM materials (polymers, elastomers, ceramics, metals, mortars etc.) and methods for finishing coarsely manufactured surfaces. Selection of suitable AM method and material. Introduction to rapid tooling (RT). Elements of reverse engineering (RE) and basic RE technologies and machines (touchprobe, laserscanner), accuracy and repeatability of the measurements, measuring techniques on CMMs. Postprocesssing of the obtained point-cloud, triangle model and grid repairing techniques, development of CAD models and parametric surface models. Design for AM. Identification of the critical functional tolerances and calculation of fits on functional assemblies. Design simplification and adaptation to the available RP technologies / machines. Placement and support of the objects on AM machines. Techniques for avoiding part warping during and after AM, design of part supports and selection of infill pattern and density. Numerical modeling of RP parts using FEM and assessment of residual stresses-strains and strength. Design assessment.